I love this question!
I am a Mom to 3 teenaged boys, and I have raised them as a single parent for the last 12 years. I have loved every moment of the crazy, loud and chaotic journey. I have two princess dogs, named Lola and Poppy to add to the fun.
I am turning 50 this year and have realized that my boys, who are 20,18 and 15, no longer need me like they used to. I am getting used to this transition in life and starting to do more things for ME, I love to hike, ski and mountain biking has become one of my favorites. I have created a great group for women just like me, who are entering this new transition in life, to provide support, fun ideas and share ideas of what is next.
I grew up in a small northern town in British Columbia, went to university to get a Kinesiology degree and then fell into the world of retail. I loved being a business owner, and had a clothing store, Sears appliance (remember Sears? ) and a grocery store. At the same time, had those 3 boys who were less than 5 years apart.
While I LOVED being an entrepreneur, I didn't love having to put my boys into daycare. I didn't have any time freedom as owning those brick and mortar stores, meant being tied to them. I had a good friend who was doing "one of those things", and I watched her quit her teaching job and do that "thing" full time. I wanted to be an entrepreneur AND be with my boys full time so I jumped into a party plan skincare and makeup company at the end of 2007 and didn't look back. Six months later, I was able to hire a full time manager for my businesses and work from home with my boys. That business was the biggest blessing of my life, as I went through a soul crushing divorce two years later, and my new business not only provided for me financially, it gave me a huge support system to lean into.
Over the last 13 years, I have consistently been a Top Seller and Top Business Builder in not one, but two companies. My first company closed in 2017 and I then chose to partner with a Social Retail, direct to consumer e commerce company that I saw a huge vision with.
I became the first ever Canadian to reach the top level in my new e commerce company. Our team then went on to become one of 15 global teams to reach a new level, and we hold the record as being the only Canadian team to do so. I absolutely LOVE mentoring women, sharing my business background and helping them to build online businesses around their families, not missing a beat.
My passion for both clothing and my business has led me to launch the Hotshot Apparel Store. I love surrounding myself with positive messaging and I wear clothing like this daily, people have been asking me where I buy my t-shirts and hoodies, and I decided it was time to launch my own line! You will see some of my most favorite messages on these t-shirts, and also a bit of our team apparel. I hope you enjoy sharing positive messaging as much as I do. If you want to connect to learn more about my passions in life, or connect about building a business online, I would love to chat.
Follow me on FB for free weekly lives: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferPiperKennedy
Join my Free Group on FB for all things relating to Reclaiming YOU: https://www.facebook.com/groups/livingyourlifetoday
Follow me on TikTok for Health and Starting Over tips: https://www.tiktok.com/@jennpiperkennedy?lang=en
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